Who we are
Dana Johnson Accountant


We offer an extensive bouquet of services that helps investors, developers, commercial and industrial consumers adapt to solar powered energy. Solskin energy ensures the completion of each solar plant  from concept to commissioning and continue further with operation and maintenance. Our solar energy solutions are capable of delivering quick returns on investments while serving as an effective solution to high energy terriffs.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Contribute to environment and society to harvesting energy from sunlight.

Our Mission

We are committed to provide world class services and solutions going beyond customers expectation. We achieve this by continual improvement, adopting newer technologies & upgrading knowledge and skills.

Our Mission
Trusted by the world’s fastest growing companies:

Our Values.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.

Customer first

Vestibulum ante ipsum


Fusce at magna eget


Quisque mattis ornare


Duis consectetur ultrices

Meet the Team.

Richard Park Director

Ashutosh Makati


Adam Neville Partner

Rushi Makati


About Us


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of our team?

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We will take care of your any query related to solar power projects.

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+91 81289 88878